Age Range: 6 weeks until 1 year old
Ratio: 1:4


Each class has a 52 week curriculum that is run all year and prepares the child for the next age group and next step in their education. For infants, it’s 52 weeks of a guided exploration of the world around them using their senses and their bodies. Our curriculum is designed to introduce them to new experiences and it is designed to stimulate their mind and activate their bodies.

Each infant dictates their own schedule when it comes to feeding, burping, napping and diaper changes. We make sure to find appropriate times between those activities to help each infant engage in art, sensory play, and even get outdoors to get some sunshine and fresh air when weather permits. The following outline serves as a general example of their typical daily progression of activities, but is certainly not set in stone.

At the start of the day, each infant is placed in the care of our trained staff, and shortly thereafter, they are served a meal appropriate to their stage of development. After breakfast, any burping or changing is done. Then they will be settled into an environment they can explore.

Next, they have circle time in which the teacher sings songs, reads to them, plays music and more.

Following circle time, each class begins their curriculum. The curriculum, for infants, is primarily sensory projects, where they are watched over as they explore safe and clean objects, their environment and more. Some of these projects might include a finger painting activity, play-doh sealed in a bag so they can manipulate it, high contrast flash cards to develop their eyesight or many other activities designed to get their little minds working.

After curriculum time, if weather permits, they will be brought outside to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine either on the grass or a specialized large mats. If weather doesn’t permit, we enjoy an indoor activity targeted at getting the infants moving their bodies. 

Lunch time is next where they will be fed their second meal as outlined below. 

After lunch, we have a rest period where they will be put down for a nap. Because some of our older infants have transitioned into one nap a day while at daycare, we provide a rest time for them. During this time, it is common for most of the babies to sleep, even the ones that take more than one nap. During this time, we turn lights down and play restful music but the babies are not required to sleep.

Afterwards, we offer them a nutritious snack.

Finally, while waiting for parents to pick them up, the infants will engage in more sensory activities while awaiting their doting parents to pick them up.

We happily provide FDA approved formula for all infants. If parents would like to bring breastmilk or a formula bottle, we’ll heat them up and use those. When infants begin to experiment with solid food, we provide fruit and vegetable puree or will use parent provided infant food if they wish. We also can provide Gerber Brand rice, cereal or oatmeal for the infants and can mix that into the puree to thicken it and make sure their little tummies feel fuller, longer. When parents are comfortable with more solid food, we’ll provide the same or adjusted (as needed) meals that we provide the rest of the children. Hard foods like carrots will be cooked extra long to make them soft and easier to eat. Large pieces of food will be cut into very small pieces and fed to the infants. We do not have a standard delivery method - sometimes it’s an airplane, sometimes a train, sometimes a bird. But as the spoon goes to their mouth, you can be sure it’s delivered with smiles.

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